In this beginner's lesson we fully explain Algorithms and Pseudocode for Program Design, including Sequence, Selection, and Iteration. Practical examples are provided to aid comprehension of all theoretical concepts.

We also show you how to create quick and easy Visual Basic Windows Forms and Console Programs, which can be used to experiment with and test Pseudocode.
This lesson consists of a Video Presentation where we cover the following:
- Algorithms Introduction
- Brushing Teeth Algorithms
- Repeat Until Algorithm
- More real Life Algorithm Examples
- The 10 Program Structure Conventions for Pseudocode
- Sequence Structure Algorithms
- VB Console Program to Add Two Numbers
- Selection using If...End If
- Selection using If...OR....End If
- Selection using If...Else...End If
- Selection using CASE statement
- Using If... Else.. End If instead of CASE
- Number Guessing Game Algorithm
- Number Guessing VB Windows Form Program
- WHILE iteration Loops
- Number Guessing Version II - 3 Guesses Game
- VB Console Program for 3 Guesses Game
- For...Next Iteration Loops
- For...Next version of Number Guessing Game
- Do...While Iteration Loops
- Dangers of Iteration Loops with end checks
Watch the following YouTube Tutorial Video of the Full Lesson
If you would like to get a FREE copy of the Presentation Slides covered in this video, then click the link below.
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