In this lesson we show how to build the first parts of a Food Ordering System for "Bob's Burgers".
This lesson builds on the work we have done previously on Data Tables, Data Grid Views, Group Boxes, Radio Buttons, Custom Functions, and Input Validations including Regex.
New learning in the Lesson is How to Setup and Use VB Checked Listboxes, How to setup and Read CSV Files, and How to Search a Data Table using the "Select" statement.
The finished Part 1 Project allows a full meal to be ordered with the Dollar Total calculated and displayed.

User Input Processing in this application is centred on the use of Radio Buttons inside Group Boxes. The new learning in this lesson involves setting up and using VB Checked Listboxes for pick and tick user Inputs.

We also create a CSV format Reference File of Item Prices which can be read into a Data Table and then easily searched using a one line "Select" statement.

We strongly recommend that you purchase and download the resources pack for this lesson, as the code is fairly long and needs to be structured correctly. As well as the full program code for all development versions, there is a Step By Step Guide. Also included in the Resources Download are the Item Prices and Item Descriptions CSV Files.

The Step by Step Guide which is available below for this lesson, shows exactly what needs to be done.
This Guide has all of the Design Principles and Theory behind what is being done at each stage of application development.
Included in the Resources Download for this lesson are Visual Basic Code Listings, as well as Form Designs and Files.
If you are a Teacher or Instructor we suggest you click the downloads link below and get the lesson materials for your students.
Give these resources to your students and we think you will find that some of them will "get it" very quickly.
The other students need to watch the video for this lesson which goes through everything in full detail slowly step by step with repetition of examples.
Note that the example Lesson Images shown on this web page are basic Printscreens, whereas the actual original Images are of perfect clarity and quality in the downloadable PDF Guide for this lesson.
This lesson consists of a Video Presentation where we cover the following:
- Lesson Introduction
- Preview of Finished Program
- Learning Objectives
- Setting up the Burgers Order Form
- Coding to Create Orders Data Table
- Coding the "Add Burger Button"
- Testing the "Add Burger Button"
- Fixing No Order Items Selected Problems
- Challenge Task 1 - Coding Sides and Drinks
- Setting up the Prices Data Table
- Loading the Prices Data Table
- Creating the Prices CSV Input File
- Reading the CSV Prices File
- Loading Prices File to Data Table
- Add Call to Order Total on Add Buttons
- Calculate Order Total Processing
- Custom Function to Find Item Price
- Using Select Statement on Data Table
- Processing the Found Price
- Testing Calculate Total Dollars
- Validation of User Inputs
- Testing the Validation Checks
- Coding the Clear Form Button
- Selections Clearing for Add Item Buttons
- Challenge Task 2 - Order Receipt
- Doing our Website Programming Course
- Video Wrap Up and Outro
Watch the following YouTube Video Tutorial about Bob's Burgers Ordering System - Part 1.
We recommend you use the RESOURCE MATERIALS available below
to follow along step by step with the Tutorial Video.
The YouTube Video is free to watch as many times as you want, and the Lesson Build Guide including all required Files and full program code listing(s) are available at a small cost which can be paid for and downloaded using PayPal.
Before purchasing and downloading the following resources, check first with your Teacher or Instructor, as they may already have copies of these documents to give to you.
Our Programming Learning Modules are designed for complete beginners, and they have been extensively trialled with High School students learning Programming for the first time. They have a proven track record of being able to get everyone up and running with Microsoft Visual Basic - the world's most popular Beginner Programmer's language.
We highly recommend using the Step by Step Summary Guide as well as the other support materials to maximise learning outcomes.
Our students have found the Summary Guide to be far more useful than re-watching the Video, when it comes time for them to apply their newly acquired skills to Application Build tasks.
Prices for the Resource Package including the Guide, Files, Form Design, and full Program Code Listings are:
A Single Computer Licence for Personal Use is $AUD 2.50 (Approx $US 1.88).
A Site Licence for Business or Education Training for up to 30 people is $AUD 5.30 (Approx $US 3.97).
Licence Documentation will be included in your Downloads.
Click the appropriate PayPal Button below to be taken to PayPal's secured Gateway and complete your purchase.
The Transaction will be labelled on your PayPal Statement as "PASSYTUTES", and upon payment completion you need to click the PayPal option to "RETURN TO SELLER'S WEBSITE". (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT AS SELECTING THE "RETURN TO SELLER'S WEBSITE" OPTION TAKES YOU THROUGH TO OUR SECURE DOWNLOADS PAGE.)
On the Downloads Page you will be able to easily and directly Download your purchased Digital Products.
If you experience any problems please email us immediately at:

One known issue is that if you PayPal buy using Mircosoft Edge, it often displays prices with A's around them like: A$2.50A.
The Edge purchase will work okay, but it is probably best to do Pay Pal purchases using Google Chrome as your browser.