In this Lesson we set up the Free "PyScripter" IDE and go through the Main Settings that are needed. "PyCharm" or "MU" can also be used instead of "PyScripter" for the Python "Integrated Development Environment" ("IDE").

This Lesson has FREE DOWNLOADS (Download Links are given further below on this page). These Downloads give detailed Step By Step Instructions for this lesson.

The purpose of the Introduction to Python is build two Complete Beginner Python Programs: "Hello World" and "Cats and Dogs".

If you are a Teacher we suggest you click the FREE DOWNLOADS link below and get the lesson materials for your students.
If you are doing this lesson to start learning Python, then definitely get the FREE DOWNLOADS.

The Step by Step Guide which is available below for this lesson, shows exactly what needs to be done.
If you are a Teacher or Instructor we suggest you click the downloads link below and get the FREE lesson materials for your students.
The Downloads are critically important if your school or institution blocks or discourages YouTube Videos.
The Lesson can be fully completed using the Download Guides without watching the Video.
Give the Overview and Step by Step Guide PDFs to your students and we think you will find that some of them will "get it" very quickly.
The other students will benefit greatly from watching the video for this lesson which goes through everything in full detail slowly step by step with repetition of examples.
Or simply use the Downloads to do your own in class Presentation and Lesson on Beginning Programming in Python.
Because we are a slow talker, make sure students use the YouTube Player Bar Tools Cog to set the speed to 1.5x or even 1.75x
Note that the example Lesson Images shown on this web page are basic Printscreens, whereas the actual original Images are of perfect clarity and quality in both the downloadable PDF Guide and Word Document for this lesson.
This lesson consists of a Video Presentation and Written Instructions where we cover the following:
- Introduction and Overview
- The Pyscripter IDE Main Screen
- PyScripter Light Screen and Dark Screen Modes
- Displaying Line Numbers in PyScripter
- Changing the PyScripter Themes
- Changing Editor Background Colour
- Starting a New Python Project
- How to type a Python Program into an IDE editor
- The importance of Tab (4 spaces) Indentation
- Typing in the Hello World Program
- What subroutine "def" is used for
- Running the Program in the IDE
- Running the Python ".py" Executable
- Adding a "Finish" input statement
- Clearing the Python Interpreter Output
- Doing File Save All to save the Program
- Challenge Task: "Cats and Dogs"
- Our Website Python Programming Course
- Video Wrap Up and Outro
Watch the following YouTube Video Tutorial about Creating Hello World Program.
We highly recommend you use the RESOURCE MATERIALS available below
to follow along step by step with the Tutorial Video.
The YouTube Video is free to watch as many times as you want, and the Lesson Build Guide including all required Images and full program code listing(s) are available using the following Download Links.
Click on each item and it should automatically download using your Browser.
If you experience any problems email us at: