Welcome to our Microsoft Access Training Course.
This course is for beginners to intermediate, and has been extensively trialled with Senior High School students using Access to build Applications.
If you are a complete beginner learning MS-Access for the very first time, we recommend you do our "MS Access SDC" Beginners Course which involves building a very simple Database.
Both of our Access Courses have a proven track record of being able to get everyone up and running with the world's most popular Relational Database for Education and Small Business.

The entire course is built around developing a fully working solution for a small retail business that deals in selling new and second hand goods in a "Bargain Barn".
Unlike other courses, our course includes the Complete Build from the ground up, rather than just giving a "Show and Tell" of randomly completed components.

Each Learning lesson is fully self contained, so it is not necessary to have completed any of the previous lessons. Just do the lessons you need.
If you only want to do one lesson, then that is just fine, there is the free YouTube video which takes you through in detail from start to finish.
Accompanying the video is a Start Database which can be downloaded, as well as a "Finished" Database so that the final product items can be examined.
Also supplied is a downloadable PDF Summary Guide showing all of the steps that were completed in the video, so that you do not have to re-watch the Video, and can refer back to the Guide at any time. Students have found the Guide much easier to use for completing subsequent Projects, rather than trying to go back through an entire How To Video. The Guide is an invaluable part of the full learning package.

The course modules are listed individually below.
Simply click the link for a given module to be taken to its Lesson Page.
If you want to do the full course, then work through the modules in the order set out below.

Introduction to Databases Lesson
In this Lesson we introduce Databases and how they are used in our everyday lives.
We then introduce the basics of Microsoft Access Database, the world's most popular database for Small Business and Educational Learning.
Click here to Go to the Lesson

Business Case Study Lesson
We will be learning Microsoft Access by Building a Database for a retail business. The "Business Case Study" lesson provides the Business Overview, as well as detailed specifications for the different components that need to be built for the Database System.
Click here to Go to the Lesson

Create Database Tables Lesson
This lesson contains detailed instructions on how to setup the new Database, and Create the Tables, Fields, Primary Keys and Relationships required for Passy's Bargain Barn.
Click here to Go to the Lesson

Create Database Queries Lesson
This lesson contains detailed instructions on how to setup the Queries required for Passy's Bargain Barn. These Queries select data from the Tables to supply reporting to the Business.
Click here to Go to the Lesson

Create Database Forms Lesson
This lesson contains detailed instructions on how to create the Screen Forms that are required for the Passy's Bargain Barn Business Solution. These Forms provide an easy way to enter and process records (individual items) contained within the Bargain Barn Database.
Click here to Go to the Lesson

Drop Down Lists Combo Box Lesson
This lesson contains detailed instructions on how to add Drop Down "Pick and Click" Lists to the Screen Forms in the Passy's Bargain Barn Business Solution.
Click here to Go to the Lesson

Adding Images to Screen Forms Lesson
This lesson shows how to use Image Links to add individual images for each stock item on the Screen Forms in the Passy's Bargain Barn Business Solution.
Click here to Go to Lesson

Input Field Validations Lesson
This lesson shows how to add "Field Validation" checking of data contained within fields in the Passy's Bargain Barn Business Solution.
Click here to Go to Lesson

Input Masks Validations Lesson
This lesson shows how to add "Field Validation Masks" checking of data contained within fields in the Passy's Bargain Barn Business Solution.
Click here to Go to Lesson