Welcome to Python Programming
This Python course is for complete beginner programmers, and has been extensively trialled with High School students learning Computer Programming in Python for the first time.
From there we progress into Python Console Programming, and make Games like Dice Rolling, Paper Scissors Rock, and Hangman.

There will also be Input File Processing, Storage Arrays, and Randomisation, which we will use to build a fun little "Homework Excuser" Application.
Our entire Python course is built around gradual Step By Step Learning Lessons using individual videos which fully explain all concepts and skills.

Unlike other courses, our lessons include the Complete Build from the ground up, rather than just giving a "Show and Tell" of randomly completed components.
Each Learning lesson is fully self contained, but builds on the previous lessons, so it is very important to do the lessons in order if you are a Beginner Programmer. If you already have some Python Programming experience, then simply choose the lesson which you need.

If you only want to do one lesson at a time, then that is just fine, there is the free YouTube video which takes you through in detail from start to finish
Most of our videos have a Timeline Index in the YouTube Description under the actual video, so that you can easily jump to the sections of most interest when re-watching videos again later on.
Accompanying the video are various resource materials such as an Instructional Step By Step Guide and listings of the program code.
The downloadable PDF Guide shows all of the steps that were completed in the video, so that you do not have to re-watch the Video, and can refer back to the Guide at any time.
Students have found the Guide much easier to use for completing subsequent Projects, rather than trying to go back through an entire How To Video.
The Guide is such an invaluable part of the full learning package, that we highly recommend you use it to gain the full benefit from each Lesson.

If your School does not permit viewing of YouTube Videos, then just use the downloadable written guides in class, and the Videos for Home Help, or Flipped Classroom Lessons.
The Python Course modules are listed individually below.
Simply click the link for a given module to be taken to its Lesson Page.
If you want to do the full course, then work through the modules in the order set out below.

Python Introduction - Hello World Program - with FREE DOWNLOADS
In this Lesson we set up the PyScripter IDE and build two Complete Beginner Python Programs: "Hello World" and "Cats and Dogs".
Click here to Go to the Lesson

Python Turtle Graphics - Drawing Shapes
We will be commencing our Python Programming Journey by Drawing Shapes and Repeating Patterns. In this Lesson we learn to draw Lines, Squares, Triangles, Hexagons, and Octagons.
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Python Turtle Multiple Shapes
In this lesson we continue our Python Programming Journey by Drawing Multiple Shapes one after each other, as well as learning how to Draw Stars and Circles.
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Python Turtle Repeating Patterns
In this lesson we continue our Python Programming Journey by Drawing Repeating Patterns in Symmetry and Spirals, as well as learning about FUNCTIONS in Python.
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Python Turtle Repeating Fractal Patterns with FREE DOWNLOADS
In this Lesson we look at "Recursion" where Processes repeat themselves inside themselves to produce "Fractal" Drawings. For "Fractal" drawing the Python Code can be tricky, but it does produce some amazing results.
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Python Turtle Graphics - Using RGB Colors
In this Lesson you will learn about RGB Colors and build on the Python Turtle Drawing Skills which we have progressively developed in previous lessons.
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Python Turtle Graphics - Random RGB Colors
In this Lesson you will learn about Computer Generated Random RGB Colors and build on the Drawing Skills which we have progressively developed in previous lessons.
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Python Turtle Graphics - Rainbow Color Patterns
In this lesson you will learn how to put Rainbow Colors into Drawings, by using a Program Storage ARRAY to store all of the main and in between colors of the Rainbow as RGB Color Number Values.
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Python Guess the Number Game with Levels
In this lesson we show you how to do make a fun Number Guessing Game in Python that has different Levels it can be played at.
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Python Input Number Validation Checks
In this lesson we create Program Code to check that a User or Player can only enter positive whole number integer values that are also in the correct number range.
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Python Arrays and Lists Plus Validation
In this lesson we learn about Python Storage Arrays and Lists.
We also show how to Use Arrays for Validation.
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Python Dice Rolling Lesson
In this lesson we learn about using the Python Random Number Generator to simulate a Dice Roll and make a Dice Rolling Game.
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Python Hangman Game Lesson
In this lesson we learn about using Python Substrings and Arrays to make the Classic Word Guessing "Hangman" Game.
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Python Homework Excuser - Input Files and Arrays
In this lesson we learn How To Read an External Text File into an Array in Python by making a fun Homework Excuses Program. We also make a Horrible Horoscopes Program as a Challenge Task.
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Python CSV Files and 2D Arrays
In this lesson we learn How To Read an External CSV File into a multi-dimensional Array in Python by making a Supermarket Price Checker Program.
We also make an Inspirational Quote of the Day Program as a Challenge Task.
Click here to Go to the Lesson

Python Tic Tac Toe Game Lesson
In this lesson we learn about using Python Dictionaries and Arrays to make the Classic Three in a Row "Tic Tac Toe" Game, also known as "Naughts and Crosses" or "X and O"
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Our Next Python Programming Lesson (Coming Soon)
In this lesson we show you how to do more Python Programming.
Click here to Go to the Lesson